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Sophia Quay-de La Vallee

Sophie Quay-de La Vallee

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Favorite Book
A book that I often return to is "A Tale For The Time Being" by Ruth Ozeki. It's an incredible book on multiple levels (don't get me started on how fun it is to read letters and diaries), but I mostly appreciate its enduring reminder to appreciate the specificity of the life you happen to be living, and it implores you to remember that there are 6,400,099,980 moments in one day in which to do so. I also often return to T.S. Eliot's "Four Quartets." "If all time is eternally present / all time is unredeemable." Can you tell I'm a bit obsessed with time?

What's your secret skill or something people might be surprised to learn about you?
I play bridge! My grandmother taught me when I was in middle school. I'm obsessed with card games in general.

What do you enjoy most about Sandia Prep?
We'll see! In my interview process I appreciated hearing how much everyone is grateful for the community they find at Sandia Prep.

How do you like to spend your downtime?
It depends on the day! In my downtime I could be spotted cooking a meal with friends, hiking with family, running alone, coveting yet another house plant I don't need (in true millennial style), or petting a furry creature (sadly I have no pets of my own) while watching the latest hot limited series. More often than not, though, I'm reading.

Year Joined Prep



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