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  • Director of College Counseling
    Job Type: College Counseling
    Location: Sandia Preparatory School


Sandia Preparatory School seeks a full-time director of our college counseling program to lead our College Counseling team for the 2024-2025 school year and beyond. The successful candidate will have a positive, engaging personality, a vision for creating a rich college counseling program, and a passion for working with our students and faculty.

Detailed job description below. 

To apply for this position, please click the button below to submit your cover letter and resume. No phone calls. Sandia Preparatory School is an Equal Opportunity employer.

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The successful candidate will have a positive, engaging personality, a vision for creating a rich college counseling program, and a passion for working with our students and faculty. Our team consists of the Director, the Associate Director, and the Registrar/College Counseling Coordinator. These three people collaborate closely while keeping apprised of the shifting college landscape. Additionally, our college counselors work thoughtfully with other administrators to provide support and design programming to prepare students for life after high school. The College Counseling team builds close relationships with each student and their family, focusing on truly knowing each individual.

Job Responsibilities:

  • Work with approximately 38 students in each class, discovering each student’s unique path and “right fit” after high school and then guiding the student and family through every aspect of the college search process, including application, acceptance, financial aid, and scholarships.

  • Help students and families recognize and address social perceptions and emotional pressures associated with the college search, application, and admissions process.

  • Write compelling, personalized counselor recommendations. 

  • Work with faculty members on correctly advising students and writing effective recommendation letters.

  • Design college counseling and “life post-high school” programming, then organize and execute events accordingly. Ideas could include college application workshops, SCOIR trainings, financial aid and scholarship presentations, transition to college workshops, exploring gap year options, hosting alumni and parent college panels, college speaker events, case studies, caring for one’s mental health during transitions, and navigating college and life resources.

  • Stay abreast of current admissions and counseling trends through reading and research, maintaining membership in and attending professional associations and conferences, representing the school at campus visits, tours, and fly-ins, and networking extensively with college admissions and college counseling colleagues.

  • Work closely with the Registrar/College Counseling Coordinator on college board testing, database management for SCOIR, manage college admissions rep visits, teacher recommendations, and transcript submissions for necessary reports.

  • Track alumni journeys and success through relational efforts, as well as quantitative and qualitative data collection.

  • Enthusiastically participate in the full life of the school and build relationships with faculty and students by being a grade-level advisor, visiting classes, attending faculty meetings and in-services, being present on campus and at assemblies, and when possible, taking part in other school activities and events.